Join us for celebrating Vesak-Buddha Day
Please join us on Thursday May 11 to celebrate Vesak. Vesak is an annual event celebrated throughout all Buddhist communities on or near the first full moon of May commemorating and celebrating the life of the Buddha. The event will start at 6pm with a vegetarian pot luck (if you do bring a dish please bring a description of ingredients since people have a variety of dietary commitments and allergies) followed by an account of the buddha’s life, a precept ceremony and a short meditation period. Traditionally during Vesak individuals are offered the opportunity to publicly take the five precepts in a small ceremony. This opportunity is open to everyone who would like to take the precepts, whether for the first time or renewing them. Traditionally at Vesak people bring fresh flowers to put on or near the statue of the Buddha, so please feel free to bring a small offering of fresh flowers if you would like.
We look forward to sharing this celebration with you!