Reminder: Upcoming Sutta Study, Wednesdays May 2 – June 20th

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha will offer a new class titled “Exploring the Girimananda Sutta: Cultivating Mindfulness of Ten Perceptions”. The class will take place at Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha, 600 N. Weinbach, Suite 220, Evansville, Indiana 47711. The class will begin May 2nd and end June 20th. It will be every Wednesday in that time frame from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm.

If you would like to attend or have any questions, please contact Jan Grafton at 812-319-3785 or email There will also be a sign-up sheet on the table at the sangha.

The class will meet weekly for 8 weeks to discuss and explore different methods of meditation practices pertaining to perceptions. The text that will be used is “Meditation of Perception” by Bhante Gunaratana. Bhikkhu Bodhi states that Bhante Gunaratana, “takes up the task of explaining the Buddhist perspectives on perception, both in its negative role as an instrument of delusion and suffering, and in its positive role as an aid on the path to emancipation. He centers the book on an exposition of the Girimananda Sutta.”

We will talk about how these teachings are still very relevant in today’s world. Let’s grow together through discussion, study, and meditation in wisdom and compassion.