Satipatthana Sutta Study Advanced Mindfulness

Join us for a deeper look at the Buddha’s original instruction on mindfulness and meditation through intensive exploration of the Satipatthana Sutta. We will use the ancient text, modern commentary and discussion.


Mindfulness is the cornerstone of Buddhist practice. The Buddha’s instruction through the Satipatthana Sutta helps us develop the necessary foundation for mindfulness practice and ultimately, liberation. This sutta study group will be intensive and will include assigned readings, practices, and written work, which will be discussed in each group meeting.


While the group will have a general structure and plan, it will be flexible to meet the needs of group members. The group is free and open to all. Individual meetings with the group leader can be arranged as needed for further clarification and discussion. We will meet weekly for 10 sessions starting May 2nd from 6 – 8 pm.


Required Texts:

Satipatthana: The Direct Path to Realization, by Analayo

The Issue at Hand: Essays on Buddhist Mindfulness Practice, by Gil Fronsdal

*Available through Amazon for purchase or can be downloaded free online.
**Other readings and recorded talks will be assigned and provided as needed.

For more information or to register email us at or call (812) 480-1823

Mindful Movement Combined Yoga/Meditation Practice

This practice incorporates gentle yoga
into mindfulness meditation

Most Saturday Mornings from 9 – 10:15 am

June 3, 10, 24
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
August 5, 12, 19, 26
September 2, 23, 30
October 7, 14, 28
November 4, 11
December 2, 9, 16
Classes are free but donations are gladly accepted

For more information please contact Amy
at or (812) 480-1823

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha
Bradford Park Office Complex
600 N. Weinbach, Suite 220
Evansville, IN 47711

Mindful Mondays

Mindful Mondays
Meditation, Discussion and Brown Bag Lunch

Bring your lunch or a snack and
join us for a short noon meditation
followed by a group discussion over a brown bag lunch!

Join Us!!
Mondays at Noon Starting in April
(Meditation starts at 12:10 and we will wrap up before 1:00)

Everyone Welcome

For more information contact us at
Jan (812) 319-3785 or Amy (812) 480-1823

May 19th – 21st, 2017 retreat

The May 19th – 21st, 2017 retreat is quickly approaching. Please go to the web site, select the Retreats tab, then select the PDF links to read about the retreat. There is still plenty of room and there is financial assistance if needed. Please contact us for any concerns or questions that you may have. Contact information given below.
Call: (812) 434-6643.
or message on Facebook.

Thank you

Reminder: SAVE THE DATE — Feb 26, 2017

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha will be holding its Annual Meeting and Potluck for all Sangha members on Sunday, February 26, at 6pm in the Meditation Hall. We will enjoy our meal and socializing first and around 7:00 there will be a short sitting followed by the State of the Sangha talk and the introduction of the new Board of Directors. Please bring a snack or vegetarian dish to share. Drinks will be provided. Come and join us!

2016 Interfaith Habitat home

The 2016 Interfaith Habitat home for Rhea Simmons will be dedicated at 5PM Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 913 Harriet Street, Evansville 47710. The members of our sangha and of all the participating groups, are invited to share in this celebration. It has been a joy for our sangha to be a part of this Interfaith Community project with Rhea. She and her daughter will be moving in to their new home soon! Stay tuned for the 2017 Build!

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha’s Annual Meeting and Potluck

SAVE THE DATE—Feb 26, 2017

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha will be holding its Annual Meeting and Potluck for all sangha members on Sunday, February 26, at 6pm in the Meditation Hall. We will enjoy our meal and socializing first and around 7:00 there will be a short sitting followed by the State of the Sangha talk and the introduction of the new Board of Directors. Please bring a snack or vegetarian dish to share. Drinks will be provided. Come and join us!

The Still Mountain group (of Ann Arbor, MI) retreat

We have received word from another group called The Still Mountain group (of Ann Arbor, MI) that they are sponsoring a week-long insight meditation retreat, which will be taught by Shaila Catherine, on May 6-13, 2017, at Colombiere Retreat Center in Clarkston, in southeast Michigan.

Leader Information: Shaila Catherine is the founder and guiding teacher of Insight South Bay in California. She also teaches at various places around the US, including Insight Meditation Society and the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. For complete information including pricing and registration materials, here’s a link to the Still Mountain website or attached PDF file:

Please contact Becky Freligh if anyone is interested and has questions that this material doesn’t answer and she will place you in direct contact to the retreat manager.
Email: Becky Freligh
Subject: Shaila Catherine, on May 6-13, 2017

Here is the upcoming Holiday Schedule for the Sangha:

Thanksgiving Day – Thursday – November 24th – usual meditation time 6 p.m.

Christmas Day – Sunday – December 25th – usual meditation time 6 p.m.

New Year’s Eve – Saturday – December 31 – (6 – 8 p.m.) There will be focus talks during the meditation times led by Mary Macgregor.

New Year’s Day – Sunday – January 1, 2017 – usual meditation time 6 p.m.

Interfaith Habitat Thanksgiving Service

The Interfaith Habitat Thanksgiving Service at Islamic Center is TOMORROW, Thursday 17 at 7PM. Rhea Simmons, the future homeowners of the 2016 Habitat home, and her child will be introduced at this gathering. All are welcome.