Offered by The Yellow Springs Dharma Center
Choice of April 29–May 6 or April 29–May 2, 2016
Jesuit Spiritual Center in Milford, Ohio
With Rebecca Bradshaw, Insight Meditation Society,
Assisted by Milena Cardenas Ophuls
Seven beautiful qualities of heart and mind are strengthened through our meditation practice, increasing our capacity to be present and to develop wisdom and compassion. Mindfulness, investigation, energy, joyous interest, calm, concentration, and equanimity nurture the heart/mind with the courage and depth needed to awaken. Our retreat will take place in the warmth of springtime and with the support of community. Rebecca Bradshaw and Milena Cardenas Ophuls will provide instruction and guidance in exploring these seven supports for awakening, including metta (loving kindness) practice and mindful movement. This seven-day retreat (and three-day option) will be held in silence with alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation. Each day includes guided Vipassana and loving kindness practice, an evening dharma talk, and opportunities to meet with the teacher. Students are encouraged to consider the seven-day option, which offers an opportunity for a greater deepening of practice

For More Information:
Email or call Linda at (937) 572-9077

Vipassana Retreat Flier and Registration Form

Holiday Schedule

There will be no regular meditation this Thursday because of Christmas Eve. There will be regular sitting meditation on Sunday December 27 at 6pm. On Thursday December 31 there will be a special New Year’s Eve meditation. This special Sitting will be from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm with periods of silence and periods of movement. There will be a focus talk about intention in the New Year. And there will be guidance in learning compassion for self and others. Much Metta to all!

Sacred Journeys program on Buddhism at St. John’s Newburgh – Monday November 2 6:30pm

Fr. Henry Kuykendall at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church on Frame Road in Newburgh, IN is doing a Monday night special PBS series on Sacred Journeys. On Monday, November 2, 2015 @ 6:30 PM the film will be on Buddhism and the Sangha has been asked to participate. Dhamma leaders Mary Lee MacManus and John Paulson will be speaking and answering questons on behalf of the sangha. All members of the sangha are invited to attend.

Sangha Picnic at Wesselman Park on Sunday October 25

There will be a picnic for all members and friends of Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha at Wesselman Park Shelter House number two north on Sunday October 25 from 3:00 pm until 7:30 pm. Bring a vegetarian dish to share, and your own drinks. The sangha will supply paper plates, napkins, cups, and plastic knives/forks/spoons. Bring a game to share. At 6:00 pm we will build a fire in the fireplace and have a 40 minute sitting meditation. Bring lawn chairs to use for the meditation. We look forward to seeing you!

An Excellent Guide to Vipassana/Insight Meditation

An excellent guide to meditation for anyone, beginner or advanced, is “Insight Meditation: A Step by Step Course on how to Meditate with Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein”. Amazon for $21. Besides the book itself, there are also CDs with guided meditations, and flash cards to help with memorization of the main points of the Buddha’s teaching. We highly recommend this.

Sangha Picnic at Wesselman Park, Sunday October 25

There will be a picnic for all members and friends of Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha at Wesselman Park Shelter House number two north on Sunday October 25 from 3:00 pm until 7:30 pm. Bring a vegetarian dish to share, and your own drinks. The sangha will supply paper plates, napkins, cups, and plastic knives/forks/spoons. Bring a game to share. At 6:00 pm we will build a fire in the fireplace and have a 40 minute sitting meditation. Bring lawn chairs to use for the meditation. We look forward to seeing you!

The Louisville Vipassana Community is hosting a retreat with Donald Rothberg October 9 – 11

Donald Rothberg, a member of the Teachers Council at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Northern California, will be teaching a non-residential retreat October 9-11 in Louisville. Donald is a renowned teacher and the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center is a wonderful place.

WHEN: Oct. 9th, Friday evening from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Oct. 10th and 11th, and Saturday and Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (note: the retreat may end an hour earlier on Sunday)

WHERE: the Passionist Earth & Spirit Center (“The Barn”), 1924 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY

COST: $60 (+ dana for the teacher)