Vesak Celebration – Sunday May 22 6:00 pm

On May 22nd at 6:00 pm we will be celebrating Vesak. Often referred to as Buddha Day or Buddha’s Birthday, Vesak occurs on the first full moon of May. This holiday celebrates the life (the birth, awakening and death) of the historical Buddha (Shakyamuni Buddha).

The opportunity for individuals to take refuge and precepts will be offered. Taking refuge and precepts is a public ceremony that allows one to express their willingness and intent to work with the teachings and practices of the Buddha. Taking refuge means seeking comfort and inspiration in the “Three Jewels” of the Buddha (the physical embodiment and example of the teachings), the Dharma (the teachings on awakening and liberation), and the Sangha (the community of practitioners). The Five Precepts are areas of one’s life, behavior, and habits that have the potential to generate suffering or awakening with which one commits to work. These include working on refraining from killing and supporting life, respecting the property of others and refraining from stealing, being truthful and refraining from lying, regarding all beings with respect and dignity and refraining from objectifying others (especially through sensual misconduct), and working to maintain a clear mind and refrain from harming ourselves and others with intoxicants.

A common Vesak practice is to offer flowers, which are placed near the statue of the Buddha. Please feel free to bring flowers if you choose.

We look forward to celebrating with you!

The Intention of Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha

The intention of Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha is to support individual growth to achieve freedom of the mind. We follow a Theravada tradition, practice primarily Vipassana Insight meditation, and welcome people of all spiritual paths.

Thursday evening meditation temporarily paused

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha will be taking a break from Thursday evening meditation starting December 30th. This change is in response to low attendance on Thursdays. Sunday evening mediation will continue as usual.

Closed on Thanksgiving

There will be no regular meditation on Thanksgiving. We are grateful for you all. May you have peace and ease. Happy Thanksgiving.

The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching

The Sangha Dhamma Leaders will begin teaching from a new book, “The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation” by the renowned Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Sangha members are invited to begin reading this book. Our Dhamma Leaders will give talks after every meditation session based on the book. Much metta to you.

Sangha Picnic Sunday Oct. 17th at 5 pm

Please join us for a brown bag picnic and meditation at Wesselman Park on Sunday October 17 from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm. We will be in Shelter House #2 North….that’s the one that faces the tennis courts. All are welcome. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we will not be having the usual potluck, but please feel free to bring a brown bag dinner and drinks. At 6:00 pm we will build a fire in the fireplace and have a 40 minute sitting meditation. Bring lawn chairs to use for the meditation. We very much look forward to seeing you there!

Because of the picnic there will not be the usual meditation at the meditation hall.

Sangha Picnic Sunday October 17

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha will be having its annual picnic on Sunday October 17 at Wesselman Park. Save that date. Details will be coming soon.

New morning meditations on Zoom

We plan to start offering some short, morning Zoom sitting sessions, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 10-10:20 a.m. or so to start. These will not include a dharma talk, but just silent sitting meditation and possibly some metta or other heart practices. Please contact Mollie Pharo, text 812-422-4075 or email, if you are interested. They are likely to start in September.

Aging Yogis group

Our Aging Yogis discussion group is taking August off and starting up again the 3rd Tuesday of September at 3:30 p.m. We will probably still be on Zoom or at Wesselman Park rather than at the Sangha then, but that will be decided later. We would like to open the group up to more people – so to any age, since we are all Aging Yogis, not just us older people. The new title we will be discussing is The Book of Joy: Lasting happiness in a changing world, by the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu. Copies are available at the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library or in multiple formats from Penguin/Random House or numerous bookstores (we encourage you to purchase from someplace other than Amazon).

Please let Mollie Pharo know if you would like to be included in emails announcing where we will meet and including any Zoom links. Mollie can be contacted by text message at 812-422-4075 or email

Live Thursday meditations beginning August 12th

Beginning tomorrow, Thursday August 12, our Thursday meditations will no longer be via Zoom. Instead we will go back to having live meditations on both Thursdays and Sundays at 6 pm. Remember that masks are still required.There are masks available in case you forget yours. Come and join us for 40 minute silent meditation followed by a short Dhamma talk.