Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha will host a nonresidential retreat with Bridget Rolens on March 29-31 at our meditation hall at 600 N Weinbach Ave, Suite 220, Evansville, Indiana.
Awakening through the senses
In his book Mindfulness: a practical guide to awakening Joseph Goldstein shares the wisdom of Ledi Sayadaw, one of the great Burmese meditation masters and scholars of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries:
“[Ledi Sayadaw] likened the sense bases [eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind] to six train stations from which trains travel to various destinations. Either they take us to situations of suffering, they take us to realms of happiness, or to freedom and full awakening. Consider how all the wholesome and unwholesome actions we do, with their respective karmic consequences, originate at one of the sense doors.”
The structure of the weekend will support a continuity of mindfulness while sitting, walking, eating, and moving about throughout the day. Dhamma talks and discussions will provide time to explore the teachings of the Buddha. This retreat is appropriate for both beginners and those with experience.

Bridget teaches mindfulness meditation as a spiritual practice and as a tool for stress reduction. She holds an MA in theology and a BS in Occupational therapy. Bridget has a certification as a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher and a Healthy Steps trainer. She also completed the Core Coach Training of Well coaches School of Coaching. Recognized by the Spirit Rock Teachers Council as a Community Dharma Leader Bridget leads a weekly insight meditation group and offers classes and retreats.
Basic Schedule:
Friday 3/29
7:00 – 8:30 PM Opening of retreat (Manager’s instructions, Dharma Talk (Right attitudes for meditation), Taking Refuges and Precepts
Saturday 3/30
8:00 AM – Dharma Talk/Instruction
9:00 AM – Continue alternating sitting and walking with some instruction
12:00 PM – Lunch (brown bag)
1:00 PM – Mindful Movement
1:30 PM – Continue alternating sitting and walking
5:00 PM – Dharma Discussion
5:45 PM – Dana Talk
6:00 PM – Dharma Talk/Instruction for overnight practice
6:30 PM – Home practice
Sunday 3/31
8:00 AM – Dharma Talk/Instruction
9:00 AM – Continue alternating sitting and walking with some instruction
11:00 AM – Dharma Discussion
11:45 AM – Manager’s Instructions/Dedication of Merit
General information:
- Coffee, hot water/tea, filtered water will be available.
- Saturday lunch will be brown bag.
- It is traditional to offer Dana to the teacher in appreciation for their time and teachings.
- Registration cost is $40 (scholarships available, please see board member or Dhamma leader for info.)
Please click the link below to print the form and mail the completed form with your payment to:
Bridget Rolens Retreat
c/o Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha
Bradford Park Office Complex
600 N. Weinbach Suite 220
Evansville, IN 47711
Or put the completed form and your payment into an envelope marked “Bridget Rolens Retreat” and drop in the dana box. Reservations must be received by March 1, 2019.
Click here for registration form.
For more information, call 812-434-6643 or E-mail mindfulheart@gmail.com