Don’t Forget—-SANGHA FALL PICNIC 2016

Please join us for a potluck picnic at Wesselman Park on Sunday October 23 from 3:00 pm until 8:00 pm. We will be in Shelter House #2North….that’s the one that faces the tennis courts. All are welcome. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share, and your own drinks. The sangha will supply paper plates, cups, etc. You are welcome to bring a game or Frisbee. At 6:00 pm we will build a fire and have a 40 minute sitting meditation. If you like, bring lawn chairs to use for the meditation. We look forward to seeing you there!


The Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha will be hosting a retreat May 19-21, 2017 at Sarto Retreat Center, in Evansville, Indiana. The teacher will be Jishou Dharma. The Sangha has been given a generous anonymous donation stipulating that it be used to lower the cost of the retreat in hopes that more people will be able to attend. Because of this donation the cost to each of the first 20 people who sign up for the retreat will be $75 plus dana to the teacher. This cost will cover two nights stay at Sarto, and five meals. Retreatants are encouraged to spend the two nights at the center to enhance the cohesiveness of the retreat. However, if life requires that a person be home at night, the cost will still be the same. After 20 people have applied, the price will need to go up to $120/person. The theme of the retreat and more information will be forthcoming in the next few months. Anyone wanting to sign up, please send an email to stating such intent along with your name, address, and phone number.


Please join us for a potluck picnic at Wesselman Park on Sunday October 23 from 3:00 pm until 8:00 pm. We will be in Shelter House #2North….that’s the one that faces the tennis courts. All are welcome. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share, and your own drinks. The sangha will supply paper plates, napkins, cups, and plastic knives/forks/spoons. You are welcome to bring a game or Frisbee. At 6:00 pm we will build a fire in the fireplace and have a 40 minute sitting meditation. Bring lawn chairs to use for the meditation. We look forward to seeing you there!

Interfaith Habitat Build

Greetings! If you are interested in volunteering for the Interfaith Habitat Build at 913 Harriet Street, please click on the attached pdf to find the updated flyer, which includes volunteer build days, instructions on how to sign up for a build day, and important notes about volunteering. There are also opportunities for providing food. If you do not want to use the online method of volunteering, please call Andrea Ward, Volunteer Workforce Manager, Office: (812) 423-5623 Ext. 33, Cell: (812) 453-3810. Thank you for your interest in Habitat for Humanity.

913 Harriet St – Interfaith – Build Flyer

Reminder: Sunday September 25 mini-retreat & potluck

Reminder – The last class is scheduled: Sunday September 25, 2016 8:00am to 1:00pm (mini-retreat & potluck) at the Sangha
600 N Weinbach Ave, Ste 220.

• The mini-retreat on the final class session is open to all, not just participants in the introduction class.
• For more information email us at or call (812) 434-6643.

Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation Class – Registration Reminder

If you are interested in attending our Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation Class at the Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha, please register by stating your intention in an email to

For information of the Sangha or the classes please call (812) 434-6643.

Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation Class

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha is offering an Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation Class which will consist of three sessions on the following dates and times:

> Sunday September 11 4:30-5:45pm
> Sunday September 18 4:30-7:00pm
> Sunday September 25 8:00am to 1:00pm (mini-retreat & potluck) Led by Mary MacGregor

• All are welcome to participate at no charge.
• The mini-retreat on the final class session is open to all, not just participants in the
introduction class.
• To register for the class please go to and click on the classes tab.

For more information email us at or call (812) 434-6643.

Congratulations John!!

This past weekend John (who is a leader at the Mindful Heart Sangha), took the 58 Brahmajala precepts and was ordained as a priest in the Five Mountain Zen Order at the Chua Tu Bi temple in Kansas City Missouri.
Congratulations John!!

Past members Katelyn Sandy and Caleb Tomlinson

Past members Katelyn Sandy and Caleb Tomlinson visited us back in June and talked about their 2 month long Insight Meditation retreat and their practice. They sent this photo of themselves with renowned meditation teacher Sayadaw U Pandita after completing their 60 day meditation retreat at Panditarama Forest Center. Katelyn’s parents studied with U Pandita, and she grew up calling him her Dhamma Grandpa. He has recently died. Sayadaw U Pandita was one of the foremost masters of Vipassanā. He trained in the Theravada Buddhist tradition of Myanmar.

For more information about the retreat center, click on this link Also and have links to reading and practice information. CalebKatelynUPandita

Sangha Raises $855 for Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Build

Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha raised $855 to help Habitat for Humanity build a home in partnership with a local family. This particular project is a joint effort between Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Unitarian Universalists, Humanists, and Buddhists. The Sangha greatly thanks the seven people who donated. More information will be forthcoming about how you can help to actually construct the home.