The Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha will be hosting a retreat May 19-21, 2017 at Sarto Retreat Center, in Evansville, Indiana. The teacher will be Jishou Dharma. The Sangha has been given a generous anonymous donation stipulating that it be used to lower the cost of the retreat in hopes that more people will be able to attend. Because of this donation the cost to each of the first 20 people who sign up for the retreat will be $75 plus dana to the teacher. This cost will cover two nights stay at Sarto, and five meals. Retreatants are encouraged to spend the two nights at the center to enhance the cohesiveness of the retreat. However, if life requires that a person be home at night, the cost will still be the same. After 20 people have applied, the price will need to go up to $120/person. The theme of the retreat and more information will be forthcoming in the next few months. Anyone wanting to sign up, please send an email to stating such intent along with your name, address, and phone number.